Thursday Thirteen #13
My lovely daughter turned 13 on Tuesday so this Thursday Thirteen is dedicated to her. Below find 13 wonderful memories with my daughter. Not necessarily in order!
1. The day she was born. It was Sunday afternoon, August 28, 1994.
2. Her first word. I tried so hard to get her to say Daddy but her first word was dog. She loved our dog from the first time she was able to turn her head and look at him.
3. Her first steps were at her Nana’s house. She was 10 months old.
4. The first time she really laughed. There is nothing like the laughter of a baby.
5. Her first day of school. She was so excited but I cried.
6. The day when she was three years old and she came with her father to pick me up at the airport. I’d been gone over night and I really missed her. She wore a dress because she was excited to have me come home. At that stage, she was refusing to wear dresses.
7. When my mom was alive, she spoiled my daughter rotten. One day we were at a store and she wanted something. I don’t remember what it was but I said no. Of course, my mom bought it anyway. As soon as Mom gave it to my daughter, she smiled at her and said, “sucker”. I’m not sure how old she was but she was young. All I could do was laugh.
8. Every day my daughter still kisses me goodbye in the morning and goodnight as she goes to bed. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.
9. Rocking her to step when she was a baby. Then just holding her and watching her breathe.
10. Playing I love you more, when she was little. She would keep it up forever. Sometimes I can still get her to do it.
11. Teaching her to read. Unfortunately, she didn’t inherit my love of reading but she is an excellent reader.
12. The day she cut a bunch of my flowers and brought them to me as a bouquet. I couldn’t be mad at her.
13. It’s almost impossible to pick out 13 favorite memories. Every day, every hug, every kiss is special. I cherish every moment with her. (Well, almost every moment
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